Partner of UEPA for a further turn Member of the Steering Committee at the Faculty of Business Administration at VŠE

We are glad to announce that our Partner Andreas Ueltzhöffer has been asked by the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Economics Prague (VŠE) to serve for another four year turn as an external member of the Steering Committee of the faculty.

Andreas Ueltzhöffer is honoured by the offer and accepted the position. Being authorised to make strategic decisions, the Committee is an important body of the Faculty. It has 40 members of which 20 are the VŠE professors and another 20 are external members. Many of them teach at other universities or are in leading positions at various organisations and private businesses. The Governor of the Czech National Bank is among them. Andreas Ueltzhöffer acted as member of the Committee already in the years 2014-2018 and he teaches at the University of Economics intermittently.