We would like to inform you of the new obligation for companies to test their employees.

For companies with over 250 employees the following obligations apply:

  • Test all employees for the first time between Wednesday, March 3 and March 12
  • Subsequently, test all employees at least once every 7 days

For companies with 50 to 249 employees the following obligations apply:

  • Test all employees for the first time between Friday, March 5 and March 15
  • Subsequently, test all employees at least once every 7 days

The test obligations do not apply to employees who work from home. For the purposes of this obligation, the number of employees in all branches of a company shall be added together.

Antigen tests are fully covered by the public health insurance if performed by the competent health care provider. The tests can be performed by the company physician or by an external provider, but only if it is a sampling point guaranteed by the health insurance.

Self-testing is also allowed, for which the state will contribute 60,- CZK per test through relief from health insurance. The tests must be purchased from approved suppliers, the list of which is regularly expanded by the Ministry of Health. However, the possibility of health insurance relief applies to a maximum of four tests per month per employee, with the employer reporting to the health insurance company once a month the number of tests performed using the appropriate form.

Do not hesitate to contact us in the case of any queries.