On 22nd April 2021, Supreme Administrative Court repealed the emergency measures of the Ministry of Health limiting retail stores, services and gatherings for formal reasons. Grounds for this decision was the absence of prior consent by the Czech government. The Ministry will have 4 days from the date of legal force of the verdict to correct the measure. Minister Arenberger has already stated that the measures will be corrected so they are in compliance with verdict of the court.

The opening of retail shops and other services will be guided by new set of rules, which were presented by the Ministry of Health on Thursday, 22nd April 2021. The main criteria will be the development of the epidemic situation, on which the planned opening of certain retail stores on 3rd May 2021 now depends. We will be informing you about any new developments in this regard.

Moreover, the court expressed itself on other restrictions and declared them to be in defiance of constitutional law. These following measures cannot be imposed based on the pandemic law:

  • the limitation of number of people at private and public gatherings may not be applied on family members
  • the number of participants in manifestations/public rallies may not be limited outside a state of emergency

We will keep you informed of further developments.

In case of any queries do not hesitate to contact us.