We would like to inform you that as of yesterday the Senate of the Czech Republic re-approved the crisis care allowance,  the law on the compensation bonus and the allowance for people in quarantine, the so-called isolation allowance.

For clarification, we list the following for each program:

Crisis care allowance

  • will be available to parents if schools close classes due to the covid-19 epidemic or if their own child becomes ill with covid-19;
  • effective retroactively from November 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022;
  • reaches 80% of the daily assessment base, but not less than CZK 400;
  • also applies to persons working on a part-time basis or in marginal  employment relationships who are covered by sickness insurance.

Compensation bonus

  • applies to self-employed persons, shareholders in a limited liability company and persons working on the basis of part-time or marginal employment contracts;
  • introduces two new bonus periods from 22 November to 31 December 2021 and from 1 January to 31 January 2022, when it will be possible for entrepreneurs with a drop in sales of at least 30% in the bonus period compared to the average monthly income in the comparison period to apply for a contribution of up to CZK 1,000; for persons working on the basis of FTE and FTE the amount of the compensation bonus is CZK 500 for each calendar day of the bonus period;
  • the comparison period is any 3 consecutive calendar months in the reference period from June to October 2021;
  • can be drawn together with any other subsidy programme.

Allowance for people in quarantine, so-called isolation allowance

  • applies to people who are or have been in quarantine or isolation due to an infectious disease;
  • applies retroactively from 30 November 2021 to 28 February 2022;
  • the employer will pay the employee a bonus of up to CZK 370 per calendar day on top of the normal „sick pay“;
  • the employer does not need to apply for reimbursement, as the employer will deduct the allowance from the compulsory social security contributions and state employment policy contributions. The deduction can be made within 3 calendar months of the end of the employee’s quarantine.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.