Christian Ancker

Christian Ancker

International Counsel

Areas of specialisation

  • Complete legal care for medium sized companies in Germany and the Czech Republic
  • Investor services in M&A transactions, corporate law, contract law, tax law and labour law
  • Insolvency consultation and protection from insolvency
  • Mediation
  • Advice on company takeovers / handovers
  • Advice on conflicts between shareholders
  • Functions in advisory councils


  • German
  • English

Memberships and functions

  • Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic in Hamburg
  • German Bar Association
  • Czech Bar Association
  • Industrial Association Hamburg (BDI)
  • Communication Association of Hamburg Lawyers
  • Association Renewable Energy, Hamburg
  • Lions Club Hamburg-Hammaburg and chairman of the club´s development association
  • Society „Gesellschaft Harmonie von 1789“
  • Überseeclub e.V., Hamburg
  • Association of family businesses (Familienunternehmer e.V.)


  • Born 1961 in Hamburg, (Germany)
  • Studies of law in Munich, (Germany)
  • Legal traineeship in Munich and Singapore
  • 1992 – 2004 HypoVereinsbank-Group/ UniCreditGroup
  • 2005 admission to the bar in Hamburg
  • Since 2014 Czech Honorary Consul in Hamburg
  • 2015 Czech Bar membership
  • Since 2015 International Counsel with UEPA

Christian Ancker is an International Counsel with UEPA. Christian is a native of Hamburg, Germany. After qualifying as a German attorney he worked for 12 years in a large German bank before taking over the management of a mid-sized manufacturer of electricity generation machinery.

Christian specializes in advising mid-sized companies in M&A transactions, restructurings, corporate succession and shareholder disputes, but also in all day-to-day business activities in Germany.

He does not only act as a legal and business advisor and mediator in shareholder conflicts, but also as an investor in various machinery manufacturers.

Christian Ancker serves as the Czech Republic´s Honorary Consul in Hamburg. He is fluent in German and English.